Want all the parents on board with payments so you can boost next-day payouts? Get all the materials you need below to help them get started 💰

Parent poster

With a custom QR code that takes them straight to their payment settings, we’ve made a poster to help show why payments via Famly are faster, easier and worth the switch.

Print the poster below and hang it around your setting - parents can add their cards to Famly just by scanning the QR code with their phone.

<aside> <img src="/icons/copy_purple.svg" alt="/icons/copy_purple.svg" width="40px" /> [Download parent poster]



Example news feed post

Want to promote in-app payments via your newsfeed? We made a template post below that you can copy and edit to your heart’s content. We also popped in our help centre article to give parents a hand with adding their payment details.

Morning/Afternoon/Evening all,

Did you know we accept payments via Famly? ☺️

You can actually pay your invoices with our ‘Pay now’ button, and set up automatic payments if you’d like to. It doesn’t cost anything, and you can always go back to manual payments if you’re not a big fan.

It’ll save you a lot of hassle and time typing out bank details every month. And you’ll still get your detailed invoices with a breakdown of how much you’re transferring.

Not sure how to turn it on? Famly sent us over a step-by-step guide for you, right here:



Payments badge

Easily show current and prospective parents that your setting offers one-click payments.

Pop the payments badge below on your setting website, and show them just how stress-free finances can be.
